Two Unemployed Actors

Andy Roth

Andy  Roth Profile Photo

Voice-Over Teacher

Andy Roth is a voice-over teacher at the Terry Knickerbocker Studio in New York City. Specializing in voice-over, Andy Roth is one of New York’s busiest casting directors with a career that has spanned over two decades. After several years as the in-house casting director for one of the country’s top commercial talent agencies, Cunningham Escott Slevin & Doherty (CESD), where he did the voice casting for over a thousand projects for animation, commercial, television, film, video games and more, he started his own company and has since been working with many of the biggest advertising agencies, casting houses and production companies in the world. He has worked on projects for such high-profile companies as Discovery Kids, Blizzard Entertainment, Disney, Rockstar Games, Calvin Klein, Geico, and many more. His handiwork can be seen on just about any network, cable channel, video game system, and all over the Internet.

Jan. 3, 2024

Voice Over Casting Director Andy Roth & Two Unemployed Actors Episode 103

Max talks with LA Casting Director Andy Roth who specialises in Voice Over work. Andy Roth , LA Casting Director talks about how he started in Voice Over Casting, building his own Casting business and then Directing. Its not ...
Guest: Andy Roth