Two Unemployed Actors

Season 1

Dec. 11, 2019

Episode 22

- The Xmas special! - Best moment for Max & Sam Acting in 2019 - ...and the worst! - Acting plans for next year.
Dec. 5, 2019

Episode 21

- The Fantasy of Reality TV v Scripted Drama - The Golden Rule of Monologues - Best Voice Over platform - One of us had a birthday, the other just felt old.
Nov. 27, 2019

Episode 20

- Our weekly update pluis: - Vespa Club gets a mention - Sam destroys a hotel room, gets a parking ticket, and stuck in a lift. - We focus - mostly - on TVC Auditions
Nov. 21, 2019

Episode 19

- 2 auditions in two days with the same Casting Agency - Will Sam fly accross the stage for his next musical? - The benefits, and dangers, of a stage with a Firewall - Programming 24hrs a week of radio - Sam becomes a runner
Nov. 14, 2019

Episode 18

- When you're in an audition and asked if you can rockclimb - Why Max had to have a Police Check. - Best place to sit in a cinema. - Max talks through how he approached his new Voiceover Demo. - How to do your first Showreel ...
Nov. 6, 2019

Episode 17

- Sam debriefs on his musical exploits and short film production - Max completed a short film with stunts and his broken shoulder. - Sam gets slapped.
Oct. 30, 2019

Episode 16

- Max updates you on his latest on set adventure - What is he watching at the moment? - More on Voice Overs...
Oct. 23, 2019

Episode 15

-Staying busy even when broken -Movie review of The Catcher is a Spy! -Update on Sam Hargrave and his beard
Oct. 16, 2019

Episode 14

How to stay productive and busy as an actor - Sam lists all his stage injuries - Max details short stunt courses for actors - Gemini Man and Judy review - Sam aims to be a stunt man and Dachshund wrangler.
Oct. 9, 2019

Episode 13

Sam teaches us a unique stage technique & keeps travelling to Woollongong for Musical rehearsals Max votes in AACTA and did not like The Joker movie!
Oct. 2, 2019

Episode 12

Car v Vespa? Not one but two Musicals? Auditions for who? Short Films? So many questions to be answered...
Sept. 19, 2019

Episode 11

Sam needs to comb his hair as two Musicals need him for publicity photos Max tries to become a lighting director... and fails How to navigate the world of Social Media as an Actor
Sept. 11, 2019

Episode 10

Update on whats been keeping us busy Sam rehearsing for two musicals Max completing another student film and juggling scripts A TVC casting each. Workshops... what to avoid, what to look for, how to know whats right for you??...
Sept. 4, 2019

Episode 9

Sam is back! Introducing Fred! What have we been up to???? Max gets a call in the middle of the podcast How many times does Sam cough???? Dont sign away a project 'in perpetuity'! How to negotiate out of an 'in perpetuity' pr...
Aug. 29, 2019

Episode 8

Yes no SAM just more MAX this episode. 2 short films and a play to prepare for! The most popular question we have been asked since the show started: How to find a good Agent.
Aug. 22, 2019

Episode 7

Sam recovers after his Musical 3 Weeks in Spring (you may hear him coughing!) One of us gets into a musical and it's not who you think!! (Clue: It's not Sam!) Max juggles two student films and Voiceover work Two jobs you woul...
Aug. 8, 2019

Episode 6

This is the Musical Special! I am surrounded by singing talent - Sam, Emma, & Jess What not to sing at a Musical audition? Do Musical performers always sing every song live? Confessions... Embarrassing moments on stage What d...
July 26, 2019

Episode 5

Sam does a law student promo Max fights for attention with Fred in a Self Tape Max pretends to be Ken. It takes three cats to make a good actor. Jess casts Sam in a musical. Dogfight the Musical v Cats the Musical. Tips and t...
July 18, 2019

Episode 4

Bob the Fish who is our Marketing Director died. Handling microphones on stage while singing and dancing. Sam forgot the words to Grease. Sam auditions for a TVC. Max's (brief) improv experiences. How expensive is it to put o...
July 11, 2019

Episode 3

Max struggles through the intro... Did Max get a callback from his audition? Probably not, but he is still giving advice. What was the latest technical muck up? Max mentions his radio career... again. Sam gets violent in the ...
July 4, 2019

Episode 2

The joys of creating a podcast Keep working as an Actor to stay work fit Appearance v talent Max's greatest performance reading to children. Is it resume worthy? Sam opens four doors. So youre an Actor? Get me a coffee. Self ...