A conversation with SPA CEO Matthew Deaner
What does SPA do
What resources SPA offer to Producers chasing their first credit and tips and tricks
Current issues and opportunities in the Australian industry
Why minimum Australian content quotas are so important and what could the model look lik…
Max talks with New York Acting Coach Terry Knickerbocker
Terry established the ‘Terry Knickerbocker Studio’ in NYC and works with Actors like Daniel Craig, Michelle Williams, Sam Rockwell, Austin Butler, and Boyd Holbrook who plays the villain Klaber in “Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny.”
Max interviews Home & Away Actor Shane Withington
- The great training ground that is working on set of Home & Away
- How to set up for success on a television series
- Playing ‘John Palmer” on Home & Away for over 14 years and the famous character Shane lent on for inspiration.
- Advice for up…
What are Max & Sam watching?
Listen now for some great recommendations.
Max also reviews The Drovers Wife after attending an industry event
Episode Webpage: https://www.twounemployedactors.com/whataretheywatchingepisode93
Add Kulcha Productions
- How to approach comedy v drama
- What mistakes are up & coming Actors making when attempting comedy
- Comedy and Shakespeare
- We explore the world of Improv
- Tips for success
Writer, Actor, & Director Christiaan Van Vuuren
Famous since ‘Bondi Hipsters’, Christiaan talks all things Acting
From creating your own opportunities to Directing and lots in between
An Add Kulcha Production