Two Unemployed Actors

AFTRS Episodes

Jan. 21, 2025

Its time for a Max Update - Two Unemployed Actors - Episode 105

It’s time for a Max update. Why the long break between Podcast episodes, how come I had to get a new agent, the focus for 2025 and a key lesson from last years Acting experience.
May 19, 2022

Dialect Coach Paige Walker & Two Unemployed Actors Episode 94

Max interviews Dialect Coach Paige Walker What does it take to perfect an accent? The 3 things Aussie Actors are doing wrong The difference between Stage and Screen Being audition ready Episode Webpage: …
Guest: Paige Walker
May 4, 2022

Writing for Actors with Chris Corbett & Two Unemployed Actors - Episode 92

Two Unemployed Actors the Podcast with Max & Sam interviewAustralian Writer Chris Corbett. Lots of tips on how to approach writing a screenplay or writing for television as an Actor.
Guest: Chris Corbett
April 27, 2022

Acting v Survival Job with Two Unemployed Actors - Episode 91

How do you manage the tension between your day job and your passion for Acting?
March 17, 2022

A lot can go wrong on set - Two Unemployed Actors - Episode 86

We talk about the worst things to happen to us on set so hopefully you can learn to avoid them. We’ll also go through a list of other real examples from other Actors
Feb. 9, 2022

What are Two Unemployed Actors Watching? Episode 81

What are Max & Sam watching and why? How to prepare for a busy TV show work schedule It's still important to 'not wait for a part'.
Feb. 2, 2022

Two Actors Survive the Pandemic - Two Unemployed Actors Ep80

How did Max & Sam survive another pandemic lockdown? Whats the project that has Max so excited? Tips on how to approach writing and producing as an Actor and more....